Monday, December 27, 2010

Why do you do what you do?

Purpose. Its such a simple concept, but the results of doing things with a purpose are life-changing. It takes just going through the motions and changes it to doing things with a clarity unknown to many. There are so many worthy endeavors out there to live and do things for, and so often it is easy to get caught up in letting the events of life happen to us instead of taking life to the events.

Can you imagine a life where people took a proactive stance to life? Where people started doing things because it brought joy not only to their own lives, but also to the lives of others? Where the "almighty dollar" was changed into a tool for doing greater things? Where God was the single most important priority in people's lives, and they lived first and foremost to serve Him, and then to help those He had created to become the best they could become for His Kingdom? Can you imagine the ways that would change the world you lived in?

I don't know how it is in your world, but in mine it often seems like the devil is winning. We could probably put a whole list of things down on paper of all the areas where the devil seems to be winning, but we are not helpless victims in this fight. As a friend once said, "If we are on God's side we have already won! All we have to do is fight!" May we see the need to walk daily in the ways of the Lord, and to find the purpose in our daily grind that will allow us to overcome the struggles and show the world a better way to live.

The man answered, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all you soul, all your strength, and all your mind.' And, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" ~Luke 10:27

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hidden Blessings of Adversity

I was in the locker room a couple weeks ago listening to Coach talking to the team after the game they had just lost. He could have come in and ripped the players apart. I sat through plenty post game speeches in my years of playing where the coaches would do that. (I don't remember many, they'd start yelling and I would tune out.) Instead he went into his office for a minute or two before coming into the room and asking the players what adversity meant. Throughout the season the program has hit many obstacles including both avoidable and unavoidable circumstances that has kept the team from playing with its full strength. His point was not to make excuses for those things that were not in anyone's control nor to add further blame to those things that could have been avoided. Instead he was able to get across in a very relevant way a valuable life lesson that if applied can help everyone of those girls not only in their basketball careers but in the different struggles they will face in life.

Adversity hits everyone, but what we choose to do with it is what allows us to either rise above and become more than we would have been otherwise or breaks us and makes us weaker. The thing is, that it is not up to chance whether we will sink or swim, but rather the decision we make. Adversity sometimes comes along because we make bad decisions, other times it occurs just because and is out of our control. Both allow great opportunities for us to overcome if we will seek the good in it. If we will pray that our focus will not be on the bad things that come up in life but on the opportunities that arise from them and the ways we can use them for God's glory, just imagine what we will be able to accomplish!

"This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’” ~Zechariah 13:9 (NIV)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

No, they don't hate you

Why does the Bible tell us to do the things it tells us to do? Why do our parents require certain things of us? Why did our coaches push us so hard? Why did we have to make certain grades in school in order to be able to do the fun extra-curricular things we truly enjoyed? What was the point in all these things? Was it not to help us become the best we are capable of becoming?

I think its sometimes easy to forget that the ones pushing us to do these things really want the best for our lives. God is the perfect example. He didn't give all these rules to inhibit but rather to free. Granted we have to have self-discipline in order to live up (as best we can) to His commands, but in the end it frees us. Our parents while not perfect because they are flesh, give us rules as well, not as a hindrance but in order to teach us how to be respectable people. Our coaches wanted our best effort and often made us run when we didn't give it or showed less than desirable attitudes not because they didn't like us, but because they saw what we were capable of and how the things we were doing could limit our potential. Likewise teachers did the same thing (minus the running.)

Something else I often forgot and sometimes still do is that my idea of the perfect way to do things doesn't always happen. People are different, and while sometimes others should improve upon their methods, sometimes it is I who needs to realize that my way isn't always the right one. I think though that when we start giving people the benefit of the doubt that they are trying to do the right thing (helping them out when they are not trying), that we will be able to accomplish much more then if we see people in the light of they don't know what they are talking about, or they are doing this because they don't like us. The more we learn to work with people while staying solidly grounded in the Truth, the more I believe we will be able to accomplish both for the Lord and in the objectives we are trying to achieve. 

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Carpe Diem

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." ~ Randy Pausch

I love inspirational things, quotes, stories, people... They somehow just awaken things inside of me that make me want to go out and conquer the world. haha. In ways they allow me to have opportunities with people that I might not could have on my own due to the limitations of my own experiences.

This particular quote that I put up above is a neat thought in and of itself and is made even more impressive due to the fact that this man was dying of pancreatic cancer when he said it. People like him prove to me that life is more about the view we take on our circumstances rather than the circumstances themselves. I have prayed a lot lately that I won't see the difficulties but rather the challenges and opportunities in the difficulties. (Challenges may sound like difficulties, but to me a challenge is something to be overcome and help strengthen rather than to hold you back.)

I love so many of the Old Testament stories, of the seemingly insurmountable odds and the way God overcomes in each like Daniel in the lion's den or Moses with the Israelites. I think that is the real secret. We each have our own part to do in the insurmountable odds we face each day, but we also have our own set of limitations. If we try to face our challenges by ourselves, we will be stopped by our limitations every time. However if instead we seek God's direction, what is there that we will not be able to do? So as we go through each day, may we live it in view of God's unlimited power and dare to do great things in His kingdom.

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." 
~ Luke 18:27 (NIV)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another on Wooden

   Over the years I have grown to love Coach Wooden's philosophy on basketball. I think mostly because it is so applicable to life for it is grounded in Bible principles. He talks about giving your best on every possession. The idea behind this is not that you will make every shot, never have a turnover, and break the press every single time. The idea is that you give yourself the best opportunity to do these things.
   Something I'm learning as I have begun coaching is that this is the principle I need to be teaching. Intensity. The desire to give the absolute best effort on every play. Well that is great for basketball but how does that relate to life? Simple. Everyday we are given a gift of 24 hours. How we consistently spend these hours will determine the direction of our lives. The reason for that is simply that these hours in essence are our lives. We are given a gift of how to spend them.
   Something else I'm learning is that there are things we have to do. We aren't necessarily given a choice, (if we want to eat or get an education or fill in the blank.) Yet we can still make the most even of these hours by the way we choose to see them. Our attitude truly does make an impact on the direction of our lives. We may waste a day here or there, but if we choose to learn from our mistakes even the initially wasted day can bring impact into our lives. If we live each day with an intensity to use it to the best of our ability for the Lord, I think we will meet with results unimagined. They will exceed our expectations.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

Monday, September 20, 2010


   I have often heard, and occasionally thought myself, "I wish I knew..." I believe though that one of the sweetest blessings God gives us is the inability to know the future. Part of the thrill of life is the journey, and if we were to take away that element, where would be the joy in triumph or the strength to endure hard times? Faith would not be necessary because it would be trust in the seen not in the unseen.
   What trials have you been through in your lifetime? How did you get through? If you're anything like me you often look back thinking you should have done this or that different. And sometimes you should have, you knew better, but you did the opposite of what should have been done. Other times you learn during, or after, the right course to have taken. Other times you nail it. This is the journey.
   We were in James a lot yesterday during the morning class and the lessons presented, and the idea of tests came up. What is the point of a test? Is it not to test what we have learned to see if we can apply it? I was thinking yesterday how cool it is that God doesn't make us sit there and take a written test. Rather He gives us one life to do with as we please, and yet it is a test in and of itself to determine our final dwelling place. We can study or we can do things our own way. We can take our experiences and make corrections or we can fail in the same ways over and over. We can grow or we can stay the same. Probably the biggest difference is that it is an open note, phone a friend, and the most important, ask the Creator for help and guidance type test.
   We don't see the exact test ahead of time (although we are given examples of the same type problems). If we did we might not study as hard because we thought it was easy or we might get discouraged and simply not try (which would be a horrible thing because God's grace is an amazing thing when accessed on His terms.) We should always remember that the test and the One who gives it are always for our benefit, while the tempter, which is something totally different entirely, is out for our destruction. May we take the test that is a journey with the view of the reward always in sight.

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
~James 1:4 (NIV)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

questions for study

I have been wanting to study lately about how we should react to people... how Christ reacted to people because I often hear conflicting statements with the Christ I understand the Bible to speak of and the One I see the world talk about. I've come up with questions I'm hoping to go into more in-depth and thought they might prove to be an interesting study for others as well.

What does our attitude toward sin need to be?
What about our attitude toward the sinner?
Is Christ's forgiveness conditional?
Is His love?
How does Jesus address sin?
How does He address the sinner?

Just some thoughts to ponder. More importantly to examine the answers with the Word.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." ~2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

Sunday, September 12, 2010


   I pray about a lot of things. Sometimes they seem pretty insignificant, but often I pray about them anyway, many times just so that I won't worry about it. I found myself praying a couple days ago about not running out of gas in my mower. It really wasn't that big of a deal if I did. Worst case scenario, I had to go home and get gas and be slightly inconvenienced. I found myself at the very last stretch about to make it with a short strip and a half left to go when my mower sputtered and ran out of gas. Even though it wasn't a big deal, I still didn't understand the purpose in me running out with that little bit left to go, and yet I did. So I went home, got gas and came back pouring just a little bit into the tank because I didn't need very much, but it wouldn't start so I added more, and finished the job.
   Tonight I was heading out to mow, and dad told me he hoped I had gas in the mower because he had just given the rest to someone who had run out in town and was needing some for their vehicle. Dad has told me for years that it is uncanny how often I drain the tank in the mower of gas without a drop to spare. That thought popped in my mind as I went out to check the mowers, and I was trying to figure out other arrangements of when to mow. I checked the one I usually bagged with and it was totally dry. We had a couple others, but I wasn't sure how well they bag or if we even still had one that fit so I had ruled them out. We looked around for the other mower that bagged well and I realized that it was still at the house I had mowed at a few days before. Then I remembered the prayer I had prayed, and how I had to fill it with even more gas in order to get it started.
   It's a simple illustration and life definitely would have moved on quite normally had I not been able to mow that lawn tonight, but it reminded me of a deeper principle that I have seen demonstrated over and over in my life (often with guys I like who don't like me back or vice versa.) That principle is God answers prayers in accordance with our needs and not always with our wants. This is not always easy to understand in the moment when we really want something, but it is such a comfort when we do understand not only the concept, but the love God has for us. One of the last guys I liked I thought had everything I wanted. He was very attractive, had a good sense of humor, was easy to talk to, but even more than that he had the love and devotion for God that I long for in a guy. He was everything I thought I wanted, and yet God told me no. It was not an easy pill to swallow, but the prayer that kept coming back in my head was, thank You for what I don't understand, but I know is in Your control...
   It was not my quickness that taught me this prayer, but rather God showing me His faithfulness over and over and over. In little things like allowing me to have enough gas to mow a lawn, and bigger things like saying no to a guy so that I could go without hindrance to the place that I truly believe is where I can serve God best. He really is an awesome God.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20,21 (NIV)

Friday, September 10, 2010

How do you define success?

   How do you define success? The answer is important because more than likely it is what motivates you to do what you do. I believe we all want to be successful. However it is not always success in the eyes of the world that we are seeking.
   Success is many things to different people. I think one of the best definitions I have come across is John Wooden's. He said, "Success is the peace of mind that is a direct result of knowing that you did the best of which you were capable of doing." I think this coupled with the idea of serving God on His terms is what true success looks like. I guess if I were to write it out it would sound something like this: success is the peace of mind that is a direct result of knowing that you did the best to serve God on His terms of which you are capable of doing.
   I sincerely believe that each of us were put here to do something great for the kingdom of God. My gift is not the same as yours, and yours isn't the same as somebody else's. Nor can I do what you were put here to do better than you can nor you do better what someone else was gifted with.
   I have been reading and listening to leadership material by John Maxwell and he talks a lot about leading from the middle. In other words, not everyone is meant to be at the very top position, in fact, few are. Maybe you are meant to lead at the top of your organization and that is wonderful, I hope you succeed. However, maybe you are where you are because that is the exact place you need to be. Please don't think I'm trying to stifle ambition! At the same time, don't think that just because where you are isn't at the top (positions the world is usually impressed by) that your gifts and abilities aren't needed. 

"Now the body is not made up of one part but of many." ~1 Corinthians 12:14

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Seek Solutions

"Recognizing the challenges is of little value without solutions." ~ John Maxwell

I think this is a great concept that if applied to everyday life, would change the course of our own lives if not the very course of the world. I have thought a lot about balance over the years and how important it is to find balances in the things we do. We may never come to a perfect balance but the closer we get the better we will be as people striving to be our own personal best. I love the idea of staying positive regardless of the circumstances. I also think that if we ignore the circumstances, we could wind up facing things that could have been avoided.
   I think Maxwell's statement above holds a valuable key to finding the balance of remaining positive while recognizing there are challenges. And that is in looking for solutions. This looking for solutions allows us to constantly be seeking ways for improvement which does not allow time for wallowing, but pushes us to find the ways to make things better.
   One of the most overlooked solutions quite possibly is prayer. Prayer allows us to go before the throne of the Creator of the universe and seek guidance and help in whatever situation we face. Now this does not mean God is a genie who will grant our every whim but rather we have the opportunity to humbly beseech our Lord for help in the things that are (and aren't) out of our control. We must do it on His terms, but what a great blessing that is!

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil." 1 Peter 3:12 (NIV)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

yield not to self-pity

   I came across a quote by Helen Keller yesterday that said, "Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." I have always loved her outlook on life. She didn't start out with such a good outlook, but she eventually learned and chose the better way.
   She holds a key though to a happy life. It can be easy to let life knock us down; to look at our circumstances and compare them with others and think to ourselves, "I didn't do anything to deserve this." Or another just as dangerous, "I deserve..." and we fill in the blank. Maybe these things are true but the opposite is as well. We each in turn have received numerous blessings that we didn't deserve and I daresay have been spared some of the things we did deserve.
   Many times in life circumstances hit us. Sometimes we do something to cause them. Sometimes they are totally out of our control. What we do after and with them is what is going to allow us to grow and do great things. Our goal should be a proactive stance against whatever comes our way. Don't just sit there and let life happen! Make the most of everyday! Life is meant to be relished. Hard times will come yes, but if we don't allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity, but rather face each day with determination to make it a good one we will have a pretty good life.

"This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." ~1 John 5:3-5 (NIV)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Focus: Christ or the storm?

   In each day lies the opportunity for great things and for bad. Rarely if ever will we find ourselves in a situation that contains only good things or only bad so what we choose to focus on will ultimately determine how we react.
   I have thought a lot about the story of Jesus walking on water, but not just Him walking on water, also Peter. At Peter's bidding Christ told Peter to come to Him on the water. So Peter got out of the boat and actually started to walk on the water, (something that was impossible for him to do on his own.) He was going along fine until he started seeing the wind and became afraid. At that point he began to sink and the Lord reached out his hand to rescue him.
   There are many different points people can draw from this. I love the mental picture it gives me. There are so many times in life where we are hit with insurmountable odds. That is they are insurmountable on our own accord. There are times we are going to be called out of the boat (sometimes at our own bidding.) Where our focus lies after that is critical. If we have our focus and our faith in Jesus, we will be able to do the impossible. If we lose sight of Who is in control and doubt we will begin to sink.
   Peter also shows another important point in that while he was sinking he called out to Christ, and He rescued Peter.
   Life will come with many different challenges, opportunities, uncertainties and excitements. May we learn to focus on our Savior and not on the storm.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33 (NIV)

Friday, September 3, 2010

An Open Door

   Once again it never ceases to amaze me how well God answers prayers! He doesn't always answer us on our timing, but He always has the perfect timing....
   This whole summer I have known where I wanted to be, because I knew where I believed I could serve God best, but I knew that if it wasn't His will I would never get there (which is actually a wonderful thing!) I was at the point where I was having to figure out something to do, but I knew I still wanted to be here in this little town that I love. So I made arrangements to stay with only temporary forms of income in mind (my parents have graciously allowed me to stay with them so I wasn't panicking with the thought of unemployment.) Then out of the blue, God opened up a door with the school as an aid. One that looks like it will have many different facets which is right up my alley. My hope and prayer is that I will use the opportunites that are sure to come in the right ways, and that I will be able to glorify God with what He has given me in this area of my life as well. He has blessed me so much! : D

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." ~Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


   Have you ever expected people to read your mind? I know I have, although it's not always a conscious thought, and most of the time it happens when I'm around people I'm closest too. I expect them to know what I want and how I want it done. If I actually sat down and thought it through I would realize at the time how selfish and ignorant that sounds, but often I'm in the moment and like the commercial, "I want it and I want it now!"
   It seems easier with people I don't know as well because they don't know me as well either and we don't have the history together so I have less expectations for them to do what I want. I was sent a text this morning talking about what genuine love is and one of the things it said was not having expectations. If we are talking about expectations in the way I just described I wholeheartedly agree. There are times, I know in my own life, where I set unreasonable expectations on people especially the ones I love, and often in those moments don't act in as loving a fashion as I should.
   On the other hand I believe we should have great expectations for the people around us especially the ones that are closest to us. I have seen many times how when there are low or no expectations people usually live down to those, while, on the other hand, when there are high expectations people rise to the occasion. I believe part of our responsibilty to others is to help them grow as people and in the Lord, and if we expect nothing from them we probably won't help them as much as we should. The key is in finding that balance between reasonable and unreasonable. It calls for wisdom but can make a huge difference in our lives.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." ~Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

we do have an enemy

   Have you ever noticed that when you try to do good, there are often times when it seems like you are being met with resistance? It's like you try to build others up and find yourself doing the exact opposite of the advice you told them that you know to be effective, or you just keep doing things you know you shouldn't be doing and don't want to do, but you seem to do them anyway. It can be a very frustrating thing at times as well as disheartening, but it can be overcome.
   We are told in Ephesians that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." This may sound a little creepy and in ways it is, but it points out that our struggle is not against the people of this world, it's against Satan.
   We really do have an enemy who is constantly working against us. He is not one to be feared, but he is to be recognized as a real being who hates us because he hates the God we serve. The amazing thing is we serve a God who is stronger and who has the power to defeat every one of the devil's schemes. This doesn't mean God doesn't allow the devil to work, but it does mean that we have access to the power to defeat Satan's schemes.
   I think most of us have heard the phrase, "The devil made me do it." Most laugh when they hear it because we recognize that neither God nor Satan make us do anything, we choose on our own. This however doesn't change the fact that we are sometimes tempted greatly to choose the wrong, and while we hope to always choose the right, we all have in the past and I daresay will again choose the wrong at some point in our life. Simply because we all do sin, doesn't make sin okay, but at the same time we cannot allow those times where we mess up accidentally or purposefully to consume us.
   The reason Christ died, the reason we repent and are baptized into Him, was because God knew from the beginning that we would fail Him. So He sent us a Savior, and a way back to Him. The fact is we do have an enemy, but the greater fact is we having a loving God and a wonderful Savior who has overcome the enemy.

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." ~Matthew 6:13 (an excerpt from the Lord's prayer)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blessings of Choice

The power of choice is an incredible blessing! Each day we will come across things that have the potential to make the day great or terrible. By choosing to focus on the good things we can make each day a blessing not only to ourselves but to others.
A few semesters ago, Mom came across a Reader’s Digest article that had done an experiment with three different groups. They told the first group to focus only on the bad things that happened to them during the day. The next group they told to focus on the events and details, for example, the lady wearing a pink dress, the time of day and so on and so forth. The last group they told to focus only on the good things.
Oddly enough the results turned out about how common sense would dictate. Those who focused on the bad were generally in a bad mood and not very pleasant to be around. Those who focused on the events were generally about as happy as the direction of the events—if things were to their liking they were happy, if they weren’t they were not. Those who focused on the good things were generally happy and pleasant to be around.
Their focus determined their mood and their choices determined their focus. What a blessing to know that we are not a victim of circumstances we can choose to be joyful and see the good in everything we come across. Now this is not always the easy choice, nor is it always the obvious choice, but it is a blessing to us and those around us when we do make the choice.

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Father's Love

   I was just looking at pictures of a beautiful newborn on Facebook, and was reading a little while ago in Isaiah where God was talking to the remnant of Israel. He said, "you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
   The passage was obviously speaking about a specific period in time and to specific people but the principle remains. God is with us even in our conception. In a psalm David said, "You knit me together in my mother's womb." I read verses like these and I wonder how abortion has ever been even spoken of in our society let alone legalized. It is a terrible travesty to human life, and something that doesn't need to be passed off so lightly as a "woman's right to choose." No one else gets to choose without penalty to end a life, why should a mother?
   On the brighter side of these verses we see the love God has for each one of us. He consistently demonstrates that love for us in so many different ways. I can look at a sunset or a mountaintop and see the beauty God surrounds us with. I read His Word and can come to no other conclusion than He loves us more than we can fathom. I spend time with the family He has given me and continue to see His love. It is everywhere and abundant, and we are truly blessed. May we live a life honoring the One who loves us so, and seek the ways we can love as He loves.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16 (NIV)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Count Blessings, Change Perspective

  Helen Keller once said, "Life is either a daring adventure or it's nothing." What a great thought! And this coming from a woman who lost both her ability to see and to hear. She overcame the odds and did not listen to the excuses she could have used.
   Sometimes it's easy to get focused on what we are going through in the moment and we forget to see the bigger picture and to count our blessings. How blessed we are though! It amazes me how remembering the good things God has blessed me with can change my whole perspective on life. There are moments when I just want to wallow in my self-pity. And there are times I do wallow. It's amazing how miserable I feel during those moments. What amazes me even more is what happens when I start being thankful for things, even if I don't feel like being thankful at that moment. That small change in attitude though can make the whole difference in my day, and is a wonderful blessing.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." ~Philippians 4:6

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Press On!

   How are things going right now for you? Are they everything you ever hoped for or are they slightly disappointing because you were hoping they would turn out differently?
   Dad and I have been talking a lot lately about paying the dues. In order to do the things we have always dreamed about we have to put something into it, and many times it requires us to do things now as a down payment for our future happiness.
   I like to think of it as short term consequences for the long term benefits. It helps to keep things in perspective for me. I love the passage in Galatians that tells us we will receive the harvest at the proper time if we do not give up. I was reading a book called Good to Great that talks about the flywheel effect. The concept is that things take a long time sometimes to get going. To make one turn on the flywheel can take weeks, months, and even years, but the next turn goes much faster and the next even faster and pretty soon its going quickly and steadily.
   It's easy sometimes to want to give up on things, and there are definitely times where that is appropriate. That book talked as much about not doing the wrong things as doing the right things, but when there is a situation that you know is right, keep praying, keep studying, keep pressing on! Don't give up! Success may be just around the corner. It may not, but can you imagine what life would be like if Edison had given up because success hadn't been around the next corner but hundreds later. The task may seem daunting, but if it is worthy it is worth your efforts.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." ~Galatians 6:9,10

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


   I was looking at different things on Facebook and I ran across the quote: "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans." I don't know who said it but it seemed very accurate with the way life happens. It's easy just to let life happen to you instead of taking it and doing something with it. There is a great idea from the movie The Dead Poet's Society where the teacher talks about "sucking the marrow out of life." I love quotes like that. They make me want to go and change the world. The crazy thing is that those thoughts usually last for a short while and then life starts happening again without doing much with it.
   We're not promised tomorrow, but we can do so much with today. I keep thinking that we can accomplish so much more if we are willing to give our best to God. There's a verse in Colossians that tells us to work as if working for the Lord and not for men. The reality of that is we are working for the Lord. Each day we live is a day in service to Him. I know there are more than a few of my days that didn't look much like service, but if I use those to teach me the lessons I can learn and keep striving to build so that my days are what they need to be even the wasted days can have a purpose to them. So what will we do with today?

"This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 23, 2010

What is Your definition of success?

   Are you a success? When you look back at the things you have done in your life and where you are now, do you think of success or failure? What is the standard you use to determine your verdict? The standard we use will make all the difference in the way we view our circumstances.
   I've mentioned John Wooden before, and would like to mention his definition of success which was, "Success is the peace of mind which is a direct result from doing the best you were capable of doing." I think he was onto something there because I think too often it is easy to think of success in terms of what the people around us think about us rather than what we think about ourselves. We can take this a step further and say that success is the peace of mind which comes from following God's Word to the best of our abilities.
   Success does not lie in people's opinions. It lies in the adherence to the principles that God laid out for us to follow, and when we do, while life may not always be exactly as we had imagined, the blessings that come from it are incredible.
   Are you a success on God's terms or on the world's terms? Which is more important to you?

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." ~Hebrews 11:6

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Plant Good Seed

   The greatest tragedy in America was when the public started divorcing itself from the Lord Almighty. When Americans thought they could start living life without God as its Head things began to fall apart, and America is beginning to see what the spirit of depravity described in the first chapter of Romans really means. Some of the things that go on nowadays are so sick and twisted its embarassing to even mention them. If we aren't careful we can begin to despair about these things because what can we do? I doubt very seriously any of the readers of this blog have any political power to make change from the top down.
   The wonderful thing is the change rarely occurs from the top down, but rather from the bottom up. You don't change the tree by duct taping different kinds of fruit on it. You change it by uprooting the bad and planting the right seed. The same is true for America. We may never have influence on more than a few people, but if we can help those few people then we have done our part and if they do their part and the next do their part, pretty soon you have something.
   To borrow the question from today's sermon, "So what is it we need to know?" I think the first and most important is to understand that America in many ways has ceased to be good. We cannot live any way we want and expect God's blessings. We cannot call evil good and good evil and expect our Heavenly Father to be pleased. If we have been guilty of trangressing or condoning this behavior we need to repent of it. (Be baptized if we have not had our sins washed away and been added to the Lord's church.)
   We need to restore God to His rightful place in society, but first in our own lives if He isn't where He needs to be. We also need to realize that life works well when God is first in our lives. That doesn't mean that bad things never happen to good people. It simply means that we were designed to worship our God, and to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting His Kingdom, and when we don't we are defying the natural order of things. However if we can put God back where He belongs and help others to do the same, I believe the rewards will be worth anything we could possibly go through in this lifetime.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
~ Matthew 6:33

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Joys of Friendship

  I love seeing the effects of people in my life. Sometimes I don't even realize it until a lot of time has passed, but the people we are around on a daily basis mold and shape our lives. Which makes it important not only to choose your friends wisely, but also to be the friend you want to be around.
   I got to spend time tonight with my roommate and best friend from college. (haha I specify cuz my little sister is like my best friend too so she would be the one from Happy.) I still remember getting to college and praying that I would find a good friend. I didn't really think I needed one too badly at the time, but I remember Mom saying something about not having very many close friends that were girls in college and at times she felt like she missed out so I figured I would pray about it and if God said yes that was great and if He said no I wasn't too worried. I had no idea the magnitude of that prayer, more accurately the magnitude of God's answering that prayer.
   She was exactly what I didn't know I needed. We both have grown a lot since our first Sonic run where we discovered how much we had in common. Our lives are now at somewhat different points with her about to be married and me still happily single, and yet we never seem to run out of things to talk about.
   I have been blessed my whole life with good friends. They started in Wyoming, then I had (have) great ones from high school and continue to have great ones from college and beyond both guys and girls of all different ages. This summer has been kind of different with being out of college, but it has allowed me to be around so many different people and has allowed me opportunities I might not have had otherwise.
   If I were to take out the people and just mention all the facts about this summer, my situation in life could look a little depressing, but when the people are added in the whole situation brightens up. God knew it wasn't good for us to be alone, and from the very beginning has brought just the right people into each of our lives. That doesn't mean people don't disappoint or that we won't disappoint them, but it is a great blessing that each of us are given. It's also one that isn't always seen readily. Sometimes we have to cultivate friendships, and wait for others to develop before the true joy is seen in them.

"I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who follow Your precepts." ~ Psalm 119:63

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it True?

   The lesson tonight was on seeking the truth. Such an important thought because there are times where it is so much easier just to listen to what people say and take them at their word rather than making sure it is accurate. One of the things I have appreciated the most about Dad as he preaches are his frequent remarks not simply to take him at his word but to check him on it and make sure what he says is in accordance with God's Word.
   I think this is one of the most important things we can do not only for ourselves but for the well being of the church. It's not the idea that we don't trust whoever is speaking, but rather that they are human too and if they have made a mistake concerning the accurate handling of the Bible they need to know.
  The same is true with my writings. I think about a lot of different things and normally think through many different scenarios, but even in this I could accidentally take things out of context or something like that, and so while I strive to be accurate in everything I do I could be mistaken.
   The point with all of this is that people should never be our standard in the way we live our lives. Not that we can't have people we look up to, but rather we shouldn't judge whether or not we do something based on what they do solely, but rather on what the Word of God says. The wonderful thing is that there is truth, and we are told if we seek we will find which gives me great comfort! :]

"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." ~ Acts 17:11

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catch Happiness

"The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." ~Benjamin Franklin

I love this idea about happiness. We were talking in our devo tonight about attitude and how its a choice. What a freeing thought: we are not controlled by our circumstances, but rather we get to choose how we will react to any and every situation. One of the girls brought up the verse "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." I love that verse because it reminds me to look for the purpose in whatever I am doing. I'm convinced that the more we see the purpose in things the easier it is not only to deal with them, but to move forward.

Happiness is something that sometimes must be fought for, but can make such a difference in the way we react to and handle whatever life throws at us.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Windshields and Rear View Mirrors

  Hypocrisy is a plague that hits us all at some point or another. One that we must strive to overcome. I know from writing in my journals and then reading them later that I am still not the woman that I want to be, but I have not lost hope because I am moving in that direction.
   Something I'm learning, slowly, is that this life is a journey, it's a process. There will be days maybe even months or years that if we look back on we can say, "yeah, that's what I have been praying and striving to become." Then there are other times where we would really rather people not remember because we don't even want to remember them ourselves whether it be from sin in our lives or just simply difficult times. However the things of the past are just that. They are fact and unchangeable whether we look upon them with fondness and a sense of accomplishment or whether we look on them with twinges of regret or pain, they are what they are.
   So what do we do with it?
I drive a lot during the summers going back and forth for my lawn business. Something I love about cars is the size of the windshield in comparison to the size of the rear and side view mirrors. It reminds me of life. As we move forward using today to build our futures our present is a lot like the windshield, and our past combined with others' wisdom is like the rear and side view mirrors. Have you ever leaned forward against the steering wheel so that the view from those mirrors is blocked? You essentially handicap yourself of knowing what is coming up behind you.
   The thing I love about our past experiences and the past experiences of others is the wisdom that comes from it to help us with what is coming up ahead in our lives. It's not that the past is spotless and that there are no regrets or difficult moments. The times where sin was present leaves regrets. Paul understood better than many people the beauty of God's grace and yet if he could have gone back and taken back some of the things he had done in his early years, I'm betting he would have done it in a heartbeat. Since he couldn't however, he used even his weaknesses to help draw people closer to the kingdom of heaven.
   Next time you're driving though think about your own life. When you lean forward so that you can no longer see what is behind you think about how much of an asset you are cutting out, and as you lean backward and can once again see those things and how being able to see what is coming up from behind allows you to make simple adjustments where trying to do it without it could be dangerous and harmful. Then think about your own life. How do the things from your past allow you to deal better with present situations? Can you use those things to help someone who is going through a similar situation?
   If you will allow me just a little more of your time, I would also encourage you to think of these same things with America and its history. Think about the principles we were founded on. If you don't know the history, go back to the writings of the founders. I have learned more about the founders, their principles and their faith in God in this summer and last than I had going through school. It's incredible how building a nation upon God worked while taking God out of the nation or at least as far from the public eye as possible has proved to be disastrous. It's something to think about anyway.

"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance-" ~Proverbs 1:5 (NIV)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goals' Hinderances or Opportunities?

   When people talk about setting goals and reaching their dreams, many times they encourage you not to focus on the things that can keep you from reaching them. This can be great advice. At times though I think its good to stop and think about the things that might be detaining you in your desire to reach your goals because it can allow you to trouble shoot or discover if there is something that is a necessary hindrance.
   A lot of people have told me their dreams and their plans for their life. Some of them are extremely ambitious, and I think they can reach them if they set their minds to it. Often though I get concerned for them if they were to actually reach their goal, and its not because I don't want them to succeed. Rather it's the idea that often times success comes at the price of depreciation to the spiritual life. This has been something that has concerned me in my own life, and maybe in ways held me back physically, but I believe the physical trade-off is definately worth it.
   I think about this too, if I can see this in other people's lives and in my own can't God see this even more clearly in my own.There are times in my life when I really feel like I need to be doing something and it doesn't work out, or maybe sometimes I just really want it. I remember back in high school I really wanted to go to state in basketball, and our team never made it out of regionals. We can all lament over things that didn't work out in our lives, and sometimes we need to grieve so that we can heal, but we also need to see the opportunities and the blessings that can arise as a result of things not working out our way. It might simply be a distractor to try to keep us from persevering, but it also might be that God simply has different plans for our lives. I don't think we have to worry about knowing the difference. God is quite capable of showing us His will if we but ask for it. I think it is a matter of perspective though. Will we choose to have the right perspective regardless of the circumstances to make the most of it?

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him." ~1 John 5:14-15

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It Starts with Us

I was reading a book called "The 5000 Year Leap" about the founding of the nation. It talked about us being patterned after what was called People's Law. As I was reading the characteristics of this People's Law one really stuck out to me. It said, "Primary responsibility for resolving problems rested first of all with the individual, then the family, then the tribe or community, then the region, and finally, the nation." What impressed me the most about the statement was that the primary responsibility in resolving problems lies with the individual. How easy is it to see a problem and look to someone else to fix it? But this said that I had the main responsibility for fixing the problem. Too often though I look at myself as just one person and underplay the potential effect I could have on people. True everything I say could just be overlooked and nobody ever notice, but what if it was my part that God was counting on to be the spark to call people to action? Alone I can do so little, but I am not alone when I go to God, who is in control.

Can you imagine how much could be accomplished if each one of us did our part? The more I read the Bible the more I see God's love for us, and how wonderful a life we could each have if we would just follow His commands. He gives us all the answers to all of our problems if we are willing to search for them. The problem is, it is easy to get lazy or just plain busy and not look for His answers or to just expect someone else to give them to us, but if we are not searching for ourselves we will never know if they are giving us the truth or not. Even the best- intentioned person could give us the wrong information, which makes it so important to be reading God's Word constantly to see if what we are doing and what we are hearing is right.

You want to know why America is in such a wreck today? Its because we as individuals have stopped standing up for the truth. We have given our country over to the loud minorities. We stopped calling wrong, wrong and right, right, and have sent the majority into silence, to the point where when we speak up against those who kill babies we are looked at in disgust, and how dare we say something bad about homosexuality (which God Himself considers perverse!). We have got to get back to the Bible, to start praying once again for our nation, our leaders, for ourselves that we might live the type of life that God will be pleased with... Big things don't usually start out big. They are usually the cumulation of all the little things over a period of time, and if we each do our part we can create something great especially when we call upon the Lord to help us in our weaknesses and to make us the most effective tools for our service to Him.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." ~Romans 12:21

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dare to Seek the Good

   When you think of the hardest thing you have ever gone through in your life, what do you think of? What is your story? Who helped you get through it? Do you still think about it often? What emotions come with it: sadness, anger, happiness, sweet memories, bitterness? Are you better for it?
    Some of the people I admire the most are those who have gone through great struggles and have overcome. Some of the people I pity the most are those who have gone through great struggles and became a victim of circumstance. I think it's like watching a chick flick~ you want and expect the couple to fall in love and wind up together... to beat the odds and make it work. If on those rare occasions you find one where they don't, you feel like you have been cheated out of an hour and a half of your life, and have this empty feeling like something should have happened but didn't.
   Now in saying this I don't mean to insinuate that there is not a healing period or that there will never be down moments, but if we allow ourselves to live in the down moments and don't press forward we cheat not only ourselves but others out of the great opportunities every great challenge brings along with it.
   I love that verse that talks about God working all things out for the good of those who love Him because it gives great hope in the fact that if we are living for Him, He is going to make sure that everything works out for the good.... No matter how terrible it may seem at the time. I think this allows us to see more readily the opportunities before us, to use our struggles to help others, sometimes even ourselves when we run across similar situations in life. Dare to see the good in every situation!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

enjoy these moments

   There was a young man who was never very patient with his present circumstances. One day a lady gave him a magic ball with a string. Every time he pulled the string time would pass. He could pull it out a little bit, for as small of an amount of time as a few seconds, or a lot, for months or years to pass. The only stipulation was once he pulled it out he could not go back in time.
   He came to a stop light shortly after he had received it and decided to see if it would work. He pulled it out a tiny bit and sure enough the light was instantly green and he was driving again. The next day he was sitting in class bored by the teacher, remembering the ball he pulled it out gave the string a tug and class was then over. As different things came up in his life he found himself using the ball more and more. Soon he was graduated, married and had children. Even with these things he would find himself unsatisfied and pulled the string so that his kids were a little older, than graduated and married themselves. He finally got closer to the end of his life and realized he hadn't really lived any of it. When times got tough he just pulled the string to make the hard times go away. What he realized was that the every day things were what gave meaning to life, and he had simply let them all go by in pursuit of the "big" things. He found out the hard way that the easy life doesn't have much purpose and that it is the everyday challenges that give life flavor and purpose.
   My friend read me that story about a year ago, and it gave me a great mental picture of the true blessing of contentment in our lives. It's so easy to wish away the present in pursuit of something better, and while we never want to grow complacent, to simply wish away all the everyday moments of life in order to get to the really good parts is essentially to wish away the really good parts.
   We were talking tonight at our devo about the difference between contentment and complacency. My sister mentioned that contentment was finding happiness in the circumstances we couldn't change while complacency was leaving the things we could change the same. I thought that was a pretty good way to look at it, because it provides the right balance for our lives. By being content we take the circumstances out of our control and make the best of them, and by not becoming complacent we continually improve life as it is so that it becomes the best that it can be. If however we try to switch the two, disastified feelings will soon take over and we'll find ourselves wishing the best parts of our lives (the everyday moments) away, and lose the significance of the big things because we won't have invested daily in the things we love.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain." ~ 1 Timothy 6:6

Monday, August 9, 2010

Encourage One Another

   I used to think I didn't need encouragement. That I could function totally fine without it. Of course this was at a point in my life where I had a constant flow of encouragement. That combined with the fact that we are not to do things for the praise of men made me think that I shouldn't need encouragement, and so I never thought I did. When the low points in life hit though, I see the need for it, not only for myself but for others.
  My mom and I have talked a lot about balance over the years. There is definitely a need for balance in the area of encouragement as well. Too much and you can lose sight of the fact that there is always room for improvement and help from God's guiding hand. Too little and you can lose sight of the fact that God has given each of us great tasks to accomplish and with His help we can do a lot of good for His kingdom.
   Just recently I was struggling with where life was for me. Really it was a focus issue. I started focusing on my wants instead of my service. I started praying about it because I knew I was going into a funk but I really had no idea how to get out of it... It still never ceases to amaze me how God answers prayer. Within the evening I had received a facebook message and talked to my mom both of which were a great encouragement, and have continued to receive it from different people who mean so much to me: like my best friend from college and like a sister friend from here in town.
   It reminded me of the power of encouragement though. Like I say there needs to be a balance so that we are building others up rather than just puffing, but it is a gift to receive it... and to give it.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:12

Sunday, August 8, 2010

dig a little deeper

So I have been consistently inconsistent with this blog. I'm sorry to all of you who like consistency... I'm trying to do better.
   I have started to notice something about people the more I get to know them from many different walks of life. We crave the deeper things of this life. It is easy for us to get caught up with the everyday things that can distract us, but when we get down to it we really want to be around things and people that make us think, that spur us on to be better people.
   I saw that this weekend. A group of us went to the congregation I attend in Lubbock for their second annual youth lectureships. I don't really know how to describe it. It's simple, but seems like it shouldn't be as effective according to what society says. There are lessons and singing and a lot of fellowship. According to everything we seem to hear today, these high school aged people should have been bored out of their minds, and yet all I heard the whole time was that they really enjoyed it.
   It's an encouragement in a lot of ways. It is also a reminder not to underestimate people, to set the bar high for what we expect in people. I know that there are exceptions to this, but it seems like all the opportunities I have had to talk to people about deeper things, the more we leave each other's company feeling more fulfilled and better about life than when we just talk about the things that don't matter as much. haha don't get me wrong. Some of those little things are what we need to build relationships so that those deeper conversations have greater meaning. At the same time, it is easier many times to talk about those little things and leave those of a spiritual nature left unsaid, but the spiritual is what truly matters, and what seems to fulfill what we all at times seem to be craving. Meaning. More specifically meaning through living life for God.

"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. 'For in Him we live and move and have our being.'..."
Acts 17:24-28a (NIV) 

Friday, August 6, 2010


   I think its a good thing I labeled my blog what it is... ramblings. I'm sure I repeat myself quite often on here. I'm trying to not do the same thing over and over so that those who do read won't get bored.
   I have been thinking lately about persistence. This is sometimes one of the hardest things to do because if we are having to persist it probably means things aren't working out as we had originally planned. My encouragement is to keep persevering though. Especially in prayer. Things don't always work out how we planned them, and sometimes aren't meant to go remotely close to how we planned. Even in these instances, it is important to see that God has a plan for us to live our lives for Him, and while our plans may not match up in the same way, He can sustain us. He will sustain us and allow us to persevere to the next thing in life. And it is a great blessing. :)

"Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." ~ Nehemiah 8:10b

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Toxic Sludge or Potpourri?

"One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri!" ~ the Grinch
   Inspiration comes in odd places... I was in Lubbock today and overheard a small part of a conversation. Someone was saying to enjoy it while it lasts. Growing up isn't all that fun... I'm pretty sure that no matter what stage of life we are in, somebody somewhere would trade us places. What a great reminder to be thankful for the circumstances we are in.
   Something I'm learning, slow as it may be, our attitudes make the difference in our circumstances. I just finished a book called "Tuesdays With Morrie" about a man with Lou Gehrig's disease. Instead of crawling into a rut of self-pity, he decided to accept it and make the best of it. He did his best to get the best out of life, and even in the face of death to live to the fullest. What stuns me is to the best of my knowledge he did this without Christ as his Savior. It made me realize that if a man not looking forward to a hope of an eternity with our Lord and Savior (from what I observed from the comments in the book) could get that much out of life, how much more should we with the great hope we possess live our lives to the fullest no matter what our circumstances may be.
   lol this is very much easier said than done. Some days its a battle to keep the right attitude, but it can make all the difference.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." ~Philippians 4:12,13

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Choice of Faith

   Have you ever noticed how easy it is to simply react to our circumstances? We see the way we would like things to be and we see the way things are, and it can be very tempting to start asking a lot of questions that if we are not careful will just lead us to total dissatisfaction with our present reality.
   I think the reason we are not told up front the reason we are going through something is because it requires  faith to not understand things completely. It's tempting though to question these things and rely on our own merit to get us through or as justification for why our present circumstances should be different instead of relying on God's goodness to get us through whatever it is we are going through.
   I keep going through cycles this summer. The times I do the best are the times I choose to believe in and pray for God's will for my life. There are days when that is not the easy choice. There are days when I choose the easy choice, but wind up feeling empty and unsatisfied. I think it is because deep down I know that if I am not truly seeking God's will I am choosing the selfish path for my own life.
   I think the most encouraging thing about it all is that we serve a God who wants the best for our lives. Sometimes this means not giving us everything we want at the exact moment we want it. At present, there is a particular job I would love to have and a particular guy I would love to see if was the one I can serve God best with, however as of this moment in time I do not have either. It's not wrong to dream. It's not wrong to want certain things to happen in our lives. It is wrong to question God's justice or goodness. We are so blessed to serve a God who loves us so much that He gave His Son to die so that we could be with Him in heaven. A God who not only knows the best way for us to be with Him, but knows the ways in which we can serve Him best to help others be with Him as well. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in our desires, and forget that this life is a test. One that if we pass will allow us to be with our God for an eternity, along with having planted and watered the seed for others to be there as well.
   It's not always an easy choice to have faith that God knows what is best for us rather than to question why we are going through certain circumstances. I believe if we seek how we can use whatever we are going through to serve God best, we will find that the situation isn't really that bad, that it has a purpose, and that we serve a good God.

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Time to Reflect

   I was thinking today that I need to start writing down the things I have learned so that I can remember them and apply them. I guess that is what most of my blogs and journals are in essence but sometimes it is helpful just to list them, and not go into tons of detail. This weekend my dad and I helped with team camp and I was able to see a lot of things that I believe will be helpful to myself and anyone else hoping to work with teams:
  • Treat the kids well (and fairly) and you will gain the respect and support of their parents.
  • Give them the green light and it will open up other opportunities you might not have expected. (i.e. when you expect them to take their open shots your players know to go for the rebound.)
  • Support those trying to do what is right in word and action.
  • Set the rules up front. Let them know you like them, but certain things will not be tolerated (like belittling team mates.) Enforce it.
  • Sandwich method: tell the good, offer ways to improve, finish on a positive note.
  • If they do something wrong, tell them, but don't humilate them. It may take a little more thought but they respond so much better.
  • Games show what you need to work on~ use their mistakes to teach them how to be better in the areas they need help with, not to tear down.
  • Don't focus on the scoreboard. Play each possession to the best of your ability.
  • Pray for help in figuring things out, doing things for God's glory, and for helping others become who they need to.
  • Expect great things.
  • Treat players, refs, coaches, time keepers, parents, and everyone else how you would want to be treated. Respect and a smile can go a long way.
  • Look for and make use of every opportunity. Honor Christ.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." ~Colossians 3:17

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Read Good Books

   It wasn't until the fall semester of my junior year that I began to love reading again. I used to love it when I was younger, but then we started doing AR and my love for it grew dim in most areas. One of my teachers had me read a book called 12 Pillars that sparked my interest in it once again. Since that time I have become a book fanatic, and have expanded my library by quite a large number.
   You can tell the really good ones because they contain Godly principles in them, principles you find within the pages of the Bible. It's amazing how successful people have found God's Word to contain the very things they model their lives after. Many times, I would venture to say, they don't even know that it is a Biblical concept, but even if they don't know the origin they still find it to work in their life. It's incredible how much wisdom is contained in the Bible and how compact it is for its purpose.
   One of my aunts said that she wanted me to make her a book list, I don't know how serious she was but here are some of my favorites:

  The Bible (should be read over and over and over and over and over :] also different versions provide different perspectives.)
  The Eternal Purpose by Jack Carter (You have to order it through his brother. I can get you the address.)
   Anything by John Wooden my favorite is Wooden: Observations on and off the court
   Monday Morning Choices by David Cottrell (not through but its been great!)
   The University of Hard Knocks by Ralph Parlette
   See You At the Top by Zig Ziglar
   Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris (they don't follow the Bible's plan of salvation, but everything else is just about right on the money)
   5000 Year by Leap W. Cleon Skousen (first glimpse of the brilliance of the US Constitution)
   Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy
   The Winner's Manual by Jim Tressel
   I Dare You! by William Danforth
   US Constitution (Its important we know it!)
As with any book that isn't the Bible each one has certain things that may not be 100% accurate, but I have found these to be inspiring, uplifting, and helpful in my own life. I believe the more we can learn from others the less we have to repeat their mistakes, and the more we can do with our own lives because of the insight that comes from other people's life experiences.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding.
To Him belongs eternal praise." Psalm 111:10  

Monday, July 26, 2010

May I Suggest You Stun the World

   Dad and I were watching part of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium tonight (for those who have not seen it... it's a must!), and Mahoney said to Mr. Magorium, "I'm stuck." After she explained it to him, Mr. Magorium said to her, "May I suggest you stun the world." Can you imagine taking on this attitude every time life tried to knock you down? If you did, can you imagine staying down for long?
   Something I have noticed a lot when bad things happen to people they ask "why?" But how much different would things be if we asked, "How?" "How can we use this to make us better, stronger, smarter?" "How do we use this to glorify God?"
   I see a huge difference in my life in the times I ask the question why and the times I ask the question how. Asking why usually leaves me dissatisfied with present circumstances, unless I'm asking why to understand what to do with it. Sometimes dreams don't turn out as we originally planned, or they take longer to come about. Maybe that is to test us to see how bad we really want it, or maybe it is to lead us in another direction entirely. Whatever the case, I have seen in my life if I will seek God's glory and His will first, I have never been disappointed with His answers. So when life tries to knock you down, next time, may I suggest you stun the world.

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:6 (RSV)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

All Good Things Take Time

   "We tend to forget that all good things take time." ~John Wooden
Have you ever wished you could have exactly what you wanted exactly when you wanted it and then looked back and realized it would have been a total disaster had it worked out that way? The quote by John Wooden is so applicable to our daily lives, and is a great reminder that we should start today to become the person we want to be if we haven't already.
   It can be so easy to get caught up in what we want that we forget to prepare for these very things. If we want to one day be a husband or a wife to someone are we becoming the person that will help them the most? If we want a certain job, are we learning what it takes to do that job well? If we want to be around people we respect, are we ourselves worthy of respect? I sometimes get so caught up in the things that haven't gone my way that I sometimes forget to see and use these times as opportunities and blessings rather than me just not getting my way.
   Life isn't always fair. We don't always get what we want but if we can see past the moment and look for the good in it or at least how it can be used for good we will find ourselves much happier and more thankful for our present situations.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Friday, July 23, 2010

"A Charge to Keep I Have"

   There is a poem titled "A Little Fellow Follows Me" that was one of John Wooden's favorites. It talks about how we are each a role model to someone, and the last line goes, "I must remember as I go, through summer's sun and winter's snow; I'm building for the years to be that little chap who follows me." What a great thought, and one that is sometimes overlooked. It's easy to forget that our lives and what we do touches so many others for the good or the bad.
   There's a verse in Luke that talks about those who have been given much, will have much demanded from them. It's a serious responsibility and not one to be taken lightly, but at the same time it is not something we need to stress over either. One of the most amazing things about God's word is that He places the responsibility on the individual making both sides responsible for what they do rather than what the other person does.
   It's cool though to think that God has trusted us with so much. He allows us to influence others for the good or the bad and then let's us choose which we will do. Hopefully we will always choose the good, however as is sometimes the case we will make mistakes. What is so wonderful about God's grace is when we come to Him on His terms and seek forgiveness we no longer have to feel guilty about making that mistake and can actually take the lesson from it and apply it to our life so that we can help others be better. May we keep in mind that what we do affects others and strive to do the best we can in everything! :]

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." ~ Luke 12:48b

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love for God Gives Perspective

   We just got back from our annual teen trip with the youth group (which is why I haven't wrote in a while). It is always interesting to see how things work out, and how the things you just expect to work out (like campsites) don't always, but the things you weren't exactly sure about work out better than you could have imagined. Every year we gain more people and lose some that we miss a lot, but every year it is cool to see how the different group bonds and forms friendships that aren't likely to form going through the everyday routines we normally go through.
   One of the things I love so much about it is that the peer pressure is to do the right thing. It is directed to help us grow and to become better people. Not to mention it is so much fun! During one of our nightly devos the comment was made that this was about as close to heaven as you can get. Good friends, good food, beautiful scenery, and not a care in the world. Not that nothing wrong occurred. We had our fair share of excitement and frustrations, but the way that things were handled caused even those things to seem minor in comparison to the good things.
   This is what Christianity is all about. God gives us His word so that we will know how to live a better life, and so that we can help others to live that better life as well. It's not so we can look down our noses with a holier than thou attitude, but rather that we strive to be the best that we can be for the Lord and we expect others to do the same because it is in their best interest.
   One of the coolest things about God's word is that it is so applicable in our daily lives and is constantly around us. If you see a principle that works, you can bet that you will find it within the pages of the Bible. God tells us what will work and what will not. Which is why people, even unGodly people, can do things and be successful, because God's plan was made to have people excel. However it just doesn't work as well without God at the very center of everything we do. We can learn how to do all the right things, but if we forget to love our God with everything we have, while things might still work out well many times, we will have missed out on the reason we are here, and we will find that we have an emptiness inside our hearts that God is longing to fill. When God is first though, things work so much better. It's not that things always go our way and that bad things never happen, but rather that we have the proper perspective of what we are here for, and that makes all the difference.

"...God our Savior, Who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
~ 2 Timothy 3b-4 (NIV) Our duty is to love God, but its not one way. He loves us more than we can comprehend.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Impeccable Timing in Action

   A few nights ago I wrote about impeccable timing. Over the past few months I have been able to witness God's impeccable timing in the life of my best friend who got engaged tonight. :] It has been a fun ride with her! We have had many a late night conversation about practically every subject imaginable, but guys was definitely in the top 2 of things we talked about the most. I still remember driving around with her looking at Christmas lights after meeting her now fiance, and her talking about him, but not really ready to let herself start liking another guy that might not be the one God had planned for her. After they had been talking for quite a while and built up a friendship they began to date. Things progressed and they fell in love and then a couple months later they got engaged.
   It was cool though to be on this side of things. I got to watch a love story unfold, but it was nothing like what I watch on television. Throughout every piece of it I saw them give their relationship over to God. I saw the type of leader he is trying to be. From the very beginning he would ask her to pray about the relationship before taking it a step further. What is intriguing is if I understand correctly it was her comment to him on facebook chat that she would pray for him and he could pray for her when he really started to like her. I saw through all of that the deep commitment to honor God with every step. I was able to watch as different challenges arose within the relationship where they both knew that if it didn't work out where they could serve God best together they would have to move on with their lives apart. It's my belief that that was the reason things worked out so smoothly.
   Hollywood likes to paint pictures of romances where the guy is perfect. He says the right thing at the right time. Never ever has an awkward moment. Knows the instant he sees her that she is who he wants and sweeps her off her feet. They paint the girls pretty much the same. Knowing exactly when to flirt and when to act like the guy doesn't exist. Able to play the "dating game" perfectly so that the guy never even has a chance. To me though, it seems that there is something usually unsettling about the way Hollywood does romance. I believe what it is, is so often its a guy and a girl from two different sets of values willingly  compromise their beliefs in order to be with "the one." The God-honoring relationship however is willing to give up "the one" in order to be pleasing to their God. (Yet in the end often doesn't have to if both sides are that committed to serving God on His terms.)
   It has been such a joy to see the answers God has given with this relationship in the events leading up to their meeting to the way things have worked out since. It's comforting to watch God bless others with the things you want in your own life (whether you want them now or just eventually someday) because it gives you a glimpse of His goodness in answering prayers and just a taste of what your own future will be like. It's ok to want the same type things to happen in your own life but never begrudge others happiness for one day it will be your happiness that you will want others to share in your own joy as well as to remember what it was like when you yourself wanted the very thing you are getting. That is something she has been so good about is still being aware of others around her.
   What an awesome God we serve! :]
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3 (NIV)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pray Continually

   Sometimes I get going in life and things seem to be going really good. Ironically during these times I sometimes forget what got me there and stop doing what I was doing to get there. lol It's kind of like losing weight. You start losing a few pounds and think you are doing good so you start eating a desert or two more than you had been. After all "you deserve it." How often I do the same type thing with my spiritual life. Things start going good in life, and I stop praying as much or reading my Bible a little less because I can "afford" to.
   It's always interesting to me to look back at the things I have prayed for over the years, and to see the ways God has answered those prayers. He amazes me over and over by His answers. Some of the things I used to struggle with have become almost second nature after having prayed about it for a while. It's amazing how much easier things can become the more I pray about things- not necessarily overnight but with persistent prayer things seem to just fall into place. It's no wonder. We pray to the Creator of the Universe. The One who was able to align the planets and the sun perfectly so that it all works correctly and never fails. How much more can He deliver us from our simple problems that often seem so big at the time? It amazes me too that He wants us to pray to Him. He loves us dearly and wants the best for us. May we continue to strive to live our life for Him during the good times and the bad and have the perseverance not to let the so called little things slip simply because we don't "feel" like we need it at the time.

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~2 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Impeccable Timing

   Most of the time when I pray I expect the answer to come almost as soon as I finish. I'll read in the Bible about different accounts where before they even finish praying the answer comes. I remember especially the account of Abraham's servant going to find Isaac a wife, and how after arriving at his destination he prayed to the Lord about finding her. The account says, "Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out..." (Gen 24:15) I read stories like these and have even had some of my prayers answered like this in the past, and parts of me comes to expect it at times. However this is not always how God answers prayers.
   Something I have to begun to see is that God rarely answers my prayers the way I think would be best. In every instance He has far exceeded my expectations, but I sometimes fail to see it in the moment. I was watching a chick flick which rekindled this thought within me. The girl was at a wedding that she had done the flower arrangements for and the preacher came up and was talking to her about her own wedding. She said kind of wistfully, "Well, I have to find him first." He replied, "Maybe he'll find you."
  When I first went to college, I had it all planned out. I was going to get there find the man of my dreams, get married, have kids and be a stay-at-home mom. My major never really was a big deal to me, because honestly, I never thought it would be too much of a factor. But what I didn't plan on happening happened and I soon found myself out of college not even dating with no signs that I will be married anytime in the near future.
   To some this fact could seem super depressing to have plans that you were wanting, even planning upon, to not work out, but the reality of this is far from depressing. You see, throughout this time, I and many others have been praying that I would find a good Christian man to marry, but even more than that, we have prayed for God's will to be done. Since there is not even a man I am dating right now, it is obviously not God's will that I be married at the moment, or I would be. The really cool thing is that God's plan for our lives is so much better than the ones we could ever have for ourselves. At the present I am in the town that I love with people that I love doing things that I love, and while there may be down moments the overall thing is that I am incredibly blessed.
   The point of all this isn't that I'm hoping since I wrote this my knight in shining armor will just ride up tomorrow and sweep me off my feet. Rather it is my attempt to show the depth of God's love in our lives. No matter what the plans we have in our lives whether we're single and hoping that one day we will find the one who will help us serve God in the best ways possible together or whether we have found that helpmate and are searching for something else like a job or have a loved one that is sick and not recovering as quickly as we hoped or... Whatever the plans we have for our lives, we can rest assured in the fact that God is the Creator of the Universe. He created each one of our very existences, and He can guide them in the ways that He sees fit to do so, and when we ask for His will, He gives it to us. No matter what whether quick or drawn out periods of time we can rest assured knowing that God has impeccable timing.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What Will We Leave Behind?

   Ever since my Uncle Foy's funeral I have started giving funerals a lot more thought... Mine in particular. Maybe that seems like a morbid thing, but like my dad said this morning at one of my good friend's grandmother's funeral, "Death is the fate of us all." It's not really a morbid thing. It is just a fact of life.
   The reason Uncle Foy's funeral left such a lasting impression on me, I think, was because of the attitude he had with it. He didn't want the funeral to be about him, rather he wanted it to glorify God. It was one of the most profound things I have ever been to, not because of the numbers although there were a lot of people there. It was in what was said, and unsaid. The love of the family for this man, but what was so intriguing was his love for the Lord, and that even in his departing of this earth, he strove to have others come to know the God he loved.
   This is what I want my legacy to be about. I want my life to be something that inspires people to live in view of our Savior Jesus Christ not so that people can talk about me years from now, but so that we can be praising our Savior together one day in Heaven. This truly is what we are here for: to be with God one day in Heaven and to help as many others along the way as we can. I can't think of any words I want to hear more than "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21 NIV)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Driver in Need of Directions

    It was the second day of our vaction and we were heading out for a nice peaceful morning of hiking and enjoying the scenery before having a picnic lunch in the mountains. I forget what happened prior to me getting in the van, I'm sure was doing something productive like making sure all the food for the picnic made it in the back or something, whatever it was I wound up being the last one to the car with my grandad in the backseat dangling the car keys for me to take. And so it began... "Last one in the car has to drive!" haha
   Driving in the mountains isn't nearly as harrowing as riding in the passenger seat is sometimes, however when you couple not knowing where you are going with listening to five different people telling you where they each think you should go at the same time, and then taking each one's advice to varying degrees, the passengers are sure to pay you back for the experience.
   I began the journey with one voice in the back telling me to just go forward and then turn around and another voice telling me to go straight. Straight was definitely easier for me. I went with that one. Soon I found myself on a one lane street just praying that no one was coming the other direction. (It was answered yes- I was so grateful!) However we soon came to a rather steep decline for the vehicle we were in and I was faced with a decision. A voice in the front told me very assuredly that we could not make it down the hill and a voice in the back told me that we better not try so I looked for my other options. To my left was a steep incline which I was positive was not a good option for turning around because of the nice little drop off to my right. Lol I can just see us all now dangling in a precarious position from that turn around. My only other option was to back up.
   So back up I did. Once again no one was coming from the direction we just came. As I was backing up I hear a few more voices from those on my right, "Now you know there's a drop off over here right?" "Yes" "Ok just checking!" After backing a little ways down the road I find a nice little area to turn around in. So I begin to back in and then pull forward to turn around. "BACK UP! BACK UP!" I hear a voice from the front say. "You're getting too close to the edge. I can't even see my eyes are covered. Oh, someone get me a blindfold!" lol very reassuring. Just for the record I made the turn fine and we all made it safely headed in the other direction. The cars come at this point but were able to pass after I backed up once again. I can just hear them now, "Stupid Texas drivers."
   The rest of the story I will leave to your imagination, but involves a long winding road, a suggestion to pull over, "RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE!", and the smell of burning brakes (which were not mine, but led to no small excitement for a moment or two.)
   As I was thinking about it all I began to realize that the way I reacted to most of the situations was how I act often in life. I listen for the voice that tells me either the way I want to go or the easiest way and follow it. Unfortunately this is not always the right way to go, it can be at times but isn't always. With things as insignificant as excursions to a good hiking spot it isn't always a big deal if we don't know the direction we are headed. It just gives us a fun story to tell later. However with more important things, like our soul, it is imperative that we know we are headed in the right direction. For the soul is much too important to leave in the hands of men's altering and sometimes contradictory directions. We must seek God and His directions through careful study and through prayer to see the paths He has laid in store for our life.

"This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16a (NIV)