Sunday, August 22, 2010

Plant Good Seed

   The greatest tragedy in America was when the public started divorcing itself from the Lord Almighty. When Americans thought they could start living life without God as its Head things began to fall apart, and America is beginning to see what the spirit of depravity described in the first chapter of Romans really means. Some of the things that go on nowadays are so sick and twisted its embarassing to even mention them. If we aren't careful we can begin to despair about these things because what can we do? I doubt very seriously any of the readers of this blog have any political power to make change from the top down.
   The wonderful thing is the change rarely occurs from the top down, but rather from the bottom up. You don't change the tree by duct taping different kinds of fruit on it. You change it by uprooting the bad and planting the right seed. The same is true for America. We may never have influence on more than a few people, but if we can help those few people then we have done our part and if they do their part and the next do their part, pretty soon you have something.
   To borrow the question from today's sermon, "So what is it we need to know?" I think the first and most important is to understand that America in many ways has ceased to be good. We cannot live any way we want and expect God's blessings. We cannot call evil good and good evil and expect our Heavenly Father to be pleased. If we have been guilty of trangressing or condoning this behavior we need to repent of it. (Be baptized if we have not had our sins washed away and been added to the Lord's church.)
   We need to restore God to His rightful place in society, but first in our own lives if He isn't where He needs to be. We also need to realize that life works well when God is first in our lives. That doesn't mean that bad things never happen to good people. It simply means that we were designed to worship our God, and to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting His Kingdom, and when we don't we are defying the natural order of things. However if we can put God back where He belongs and help others to do the same, I believe the rewards will be worth anything we could possibly go through in this lifetime.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
~ Matthew 6:33

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