Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jane Eyre

I watched Jane Eyre for the first time tonight. I watched a movie recently that had the book in it. I had only seen the book's cover but had no idea the story that lay in between the pages. When I saw that it was on t.v. I decided I wanted to know more so I watched it. It's the cheater's version I know, but I was glad I cheated. I'll try not to ruin the story. I will however tell this about Jane Eyre. She was a woman who betrayed neither her heart nor her integrity, but it took not wavering in her integrity to not compromise either. Had she given in to her temptations she would have lost both.

I originally thought the moral of this applied only to a small group. It actually applies to each one of us. I have thought for a long time how we often forfeit blessings down the road for the pleasures of the moment and how if we could only see ahead and forgo those momentary impulses with lasting consequences we will find that true happiness we long for. Sometimes that means giving up what we long for entirely, other times it simply means not now. Unfortunately in the moment we hardly ever know which it is, and so too often we leap now and then regret later.

The story of Jane Eyre taught me that both the heart and integrity are important. She had an opportunity to leave her heart behind (on an impulse), yet she did not, and in the end gained what she desired. This was without the bitter empty feeling that acting without integrity almost invariably leaves because she had maintained her honor in the days prior to that. We are meant for great things in this life, but we must remain true to our heart and our integrity to fully attain them. Both are necessary.

"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." ~Psalm 37:4 (NIV)