Thursday, August 12, 2010

It Starts with Us

I was reading a book called "The 5000 Year Leap" about the founding of the nation. It talked about us being patterned after what was called People's Law. As I was reading the characteristics of this People's Law one really stuck out to me. It said, "Primary responsibility for resolving problems rested first of all with the individual, then the family, then the tribe or community, then the region, and finally, the nation." What impressed me the most about the statement was that the primary responsibility in resolving problems lies with the individual. How easy is it to see a problem and look to someone else to fix it? But this said that I had the main responsibility for fixing the problem. Too often though I look at myself as just one person and underplay the potential effect I could have on people. True everything I say could just be overlooked and nobody ever notice, but what if it was my part that God was counting on to be the spark to call people to action? Alone I can do so little, but I am not alone when I go to God, who is in control.

Can you imagine how much could be accomplished if each one of us did our part? The more I read the Bible the more I see God's love for us, and how wonderful a life we could each have if we would just follow His commands. He gives us all the answers to all of our problems if we are willing to search for them. The problem is, it is easy to get lazy or just plain busy and not look for His answers or to just expect someone else to give them to us, but if we are not searching for ourselves we will never know if they are giving us the truth or not. Even the best- intentioned person could give us the wrong information, which makes it so important to be reading God's Word constantly to see if what we are doing and what we are hearing is right.

You want to know why America is in such a wreck today? Its because we as individuals have stopped standing up for the truth. We have given our country over to the loud minorities. We stopped calling wrong, wrong and right, right, and have sent the majority into silence, to the point where when we speak up against those who kill babies we are looked at in disgust, and how dare we say something bad about homosexuality (which God Himself considers perverse!). We have got to get back to the Bible, to start praying once again for our nation, our leaders, for ourselves that we might live the type of life that God will be pleased with... Big things don't usually start out big. They are usually the cumulation of all the little things over a period of time, and if we each do our part we can create something great especially when we call upon the Lord to help us in our weaknesses and to make us the most effective tools for our service to Him.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." ~Romans 12:21

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