Friday, July 23, 2010

"A Charge to Keep I Have"

   There is a poem titled "A Little Fellow Follows Me" that was one of John Wooden's favorites. It talks about how we are each a role model to someone, and the last line goes, "I must remember as I go, through summer's sun and winter's snow; I'm building for the years to be that little chap who follows me." What a great thought, and one that is sometimes overlooked. It's easy to forget that our lives and what we do touches so many others for the good or the bad.
   There's a verse in Luke that talks about those who have been given much, will have much demanded from them. It's a serious responsibility and not one to be taken lightly, but at the same time it is not something we need to stress over either. One of the most amazing things about God's word is that He places the responsibility on the individual making both sides responsible for what they do rather than what the other person does.
   It's cool though to think that God has trusted us with so much. He allows us to influence others for the good or the bad and then let's us choose which we will do. Hopefully we will always choose the good, however as is sometimes the case we will make mistakes. What is so wonderful about God's grace is when we come to Him on His terms and seek forgiveness we no longer have to feel guilty about making that mistake and can actually take the lesson from it and apply it to our life so that we can help others be better. May we keep in mind that what we do affects others and strive to do the best we can in everything! :]

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." ~ Luke 12:48b

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