Sunday, July 11, 2010

Well I Believe I Have Been Patient Long Enough!

   Have you ever thought to yourself that you have been patient long enough? I think those are like famous last words or something because they never turn out that well. They always seem to get me into trouble anyways. I guess in hindsight, thinking that we can choose how long to be patient kind of defeats the purpose of the word, but that hasn't always stopped me from not only thinking but also acting upon those words. However it is not a phrase I would recommend allowing our thoughts to seriously entertain because they have a way of coming true if we are not careful to steer our minds away from them, and the thought leads to less than desirable results.
   There is a difference in being patient "long enough" and being complacent. Often times I get used to things as they are and don't try to improve them because I just don't think or want to. These are the things I need to change, and not be complacent in. However patience is the idea of doing the right thing, no matter how long we have to do it, and in view of God's terms (the ones He has laid forth in the Bible) the right thing cannot be improved upon although sometimes we may acquire more skill in carrying it out. Patience is one of those things I am striving to become better at. Somedays I fail quite miserably at it, but God's grace allows me to seek forgiveness and try again. What I am learning is that it is a lifelong pursuit. The details might change a bit here and there lol which sometimes throws me off a little. The concept never does though, which may in fact allow us to see easier the way to avoid some of the pitfalls if we learn better how to apply the concept.

"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." ~Hebrews 6:12

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