Sunday, March 18, 2012

don't quit

A couple weeks ago my family and I went to Austin for the Boy's State Basketball Tournament. One morning my mom, sister, and I skipped out on the morning session and went to visit a friend of our cousin. Her current interest is in photography, but she used to be a master seamstress I believe is how they referred to her. She has written several books and done some really incredible things. I was telling her about this quilt I am working on and how some of the edges didn't match up, slightly embarrassed because I knew she is good at what she does, and I know how some of my projects don't go quite according to plan. As I described some of the things that were going wrong she said something to the effect of "Oh yeah, I've done that too." Then she gave me a tip on how to fix it.

It's crazy how some of the simplest moments can have a profound effect on your life. There is a poem that says, "The great were once as you." I can't help but think that maybe the "greats" in this life are not the ones necessarily with the most talent, but rather the ones who persevered when things didn't go their way. The ones who keep learning and striving to improve. It's not that they never fail... it's that they don't quit.

I think the same can be true in our spiritual lives as well. It's important to keep in mind that while we are striving for perfection we can't obtain it on our own. We'll fail. And maybe we fail because we haven't been trying at all. The beauty is that God is on our side, and He wants us. He knows our past. He knows that we haven't been perfect or maybe that we haven't even cared to begin with, but He still wants us to turn to Him. His love is incredible and He wants us to keep going. To not quit... Maybe even to start. The question is will we?

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Hebrew 10:35-36 (NIV)

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