Sunday, June 14, 2015

Focus Shift

I keep thinking that one day I will figure it out. I will wake up and my life's purpose will be clear, not only in the big picture of going to heaven and helping others along the way, but in the details, the job I will have, where I should live, which hobbies to stick with and which to give up. I keep thinking that one day all my random interests will just fall into place, and I will have this really sweet job that I love all the time, my relationships will all be perfect, and everyone I talk to will instantly know that the Bible will change their life if they just take the time to read it and apply it.

I think in some way I keep expecting heaven on earth. I forget that Jesus said, "In this life you will have trouble..." This was a guarantee. But not one without hope, He goes on to say,  "Take heart I have overcome the world."

So maybe I don't wake up one day with it all figured out. Maybe that is part of the test of faith.  Maybe it consists of taking it one day at a time and praying for my daily bread, instead of looking so far up the road that I allow the fear of the unknown to immobilize me. Maybe it consists of putting the right priorities in their proper place, of trusting in His love, and using that to keep me going. Maybe it is not so much that I know the big picture, but that my faith is in the One who does.

I love the stars, the magnitude, the way they make me feel so small, and help me understand the control of the Lord. I love that I can sit and marvel at their beauty and never have to worry about them careening into Earth to destroy it. I love how they move in perfect harmony, and that God has authority over each one.

I love to study the cells of the human body, the intricacy. There is so much detail in one tiny cell, an entire blueprint of the body. Not only does it contain the blueprint, but also the equipment to make the blueprint a reality.

These remind me that my God knows the big picture, and still cares about the tiny details. He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us. Eph 3:20 So maybe my focus needs to shift, from "figuring it out" to accessing the power, and striving to love as Christ loved.

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