Sunday, August 12, 2012


I have never been a huge fan of change, but I love the idea of potential. Ironic because I don't know how you reach potential without doing things at least a little different than you have been. And maybe that is why potential is rarely reached, because it demands change. Potential is a beautiful thing though. It allows you to look past your fears and focus on something bigger, something with meaning, with purpose.

Maybe the hard part with change is that there are parts of life at present that we love, and we become unwilling to let that part go even if something better could be waiting. From a purely business stand point, I can see why staying the same would be a bad thing. If I kept the money I made, and never invested in the future I would have that money only as long as I didn't spend it on something different that wouldn't allow me to grow, and then I would be done. The benefits of change are apparent in business, but often allusive in life because we often sit there looking at the risk and forgetting that there could be a payoff.

The point of all of this is not to take bigger risks and expect great payoffs because there is also that other side  that the bigger the risk the higher the rate of failure. The point is that change is one of those things that comes with risks, and you don't have to just throw everything that is working out the window in order to get that greener grass. And maybe the change is not to get the greener grass on the other side. Maybe it is to make the grass we already have greener, to reach or at least come closer to reaching that potential that we each have inside of us, to do those great things God put each of us here to do. Maybe the change is the catalyst to becoming who we are meant to be.

"The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." Proverbs 16:3 (ESV)

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